14' | ประเทศเมียนมาร์ - Myanmar | ภาษาพม่าพร้อมคำบรรยายภาษาไทยและอังกฤษ - Burmese with Thai and English subtitles
แม่น้ำชินด์วินซึ่งเป็นสาขาย่อยที่ใหญ่ที่สุดของแม่น้ำอิรวดีมีความสำคัญต่อชีวิตและการดำรงชีวิตของผู้คนประมาณหกล้านคน การพัฒนาทางเศรษฐกิจ เช่น การทำเหมืองแร่ ส่งผลให้เกิดความเสื่อมโทรมของสิ่งแวดล้อมควบคู่ไปกับสภาพอากาศที่เปลี่ยนแปลง กว่า 2 ปีในการถ่ายทำ สารคดีเรื่องนี้นำเสนอมุมมองของผู้คนที่อาศัยอยู่ในลุ่มน้ำการเปลี่ยนแปลงของของวิถีชีวิตพวกเขา
The Chindwin River, the biggest tributary of the Ayeyarwady River, is crucial to the lives and livelihoods of about six million people who depend on the Chindwin’s ecosystems for fuel, food, and medicinal plants and the rhythms of the river’s seasonal floods for fishing and riverbank gardens. Along with a changing climate, economic development such as mining has resulted in environmental degradation. Filmed for over 2 years during 2018-2020, this film gives the perspectives of the people living in the basin who talk about the changes to their lives and livelihoods.
โปรแกรมหนังสั้น 1 (Shorts Program 1)
18 กุมภาพันธ์ เวลา 11:00 น. (February 18 at 11 AM)
Auditorium (3rd floor)
179 Witthayu Rd, Lumphini, Pathum Wan, Bangkok 10330

Rajesh Daniel
Rajesh Daniel is Head of Communications at SEI Asia. He joined SEI Asia in August 2013. Rajesh is a writer, researcher and filmmaker with more than 15 years of experience working on issues of natural resources governance in Southeast Asia and the Mekong Region.
Rajesh holds a Masters in Science and Development Communication. He has published widely including peer-reviewed journals, book chapters, newspaper articles, and co-edited books on environment and development issues. His recent publications are the co-edited book: Chindwin Futures: Natural resources, livelihoods, institutions and climate change in Myanmar’s Chindwin River Basin; and, Climate risks, regional integration and sustainability in the Mekong region. He is also co-editor of Governing the Mekong: Engaging in the Politics of Knowledge.
Rajesh has done a number of short and feature length documentary films on ecology and local livelihoods topics.He recently completed a short film “Chindwin” on environmental issues in the Chindwin River Basin in Myanmar. in 2017, he filmed and edited a series of seven short films on climate risks and water insecurity in the Mekong Region. He also produced in 2013, “The Mekong – Grounds of Plenty”, a 47 min. documentary film highlighting the Mekong region’s fisheries, markets and ways of livelihood, that was filmed in numerous locations across the four Lower Mekong Basin countries.
His special areas of interest are media and communications research, politics of knowledge systems and policy engagement, and natural resources governance with special focus on the Mekong Region.
Rajesh Daniel
Rajesh Daniel
Rajesh Daniel
Sound Designer
Rajesh Daniel
Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) Asia
Director of Photographer
Wichai Yuntavaro