Changing Climate, Changing Lives (CCCL) Film Festival has been supported by corporate and private donors and program partners. Our current and major long-time sponsors include the CEO of Siam Canadian Foods, Co. Ltd., James Gulkin, and private donor Peter Eric Dennis. Singha Estate was our first-year corporate sponsor.
Key program partners such as the US Embassy, the Canadian Embassy/The Canada Funds for Local Initiatives (CFLI), and Heinrich Böll Stiftung Southeast Asia have provided financial support for our specific programs such as CCCL Panorama (climate storytelling workshop and pitching forum for young filmmakers, US Embassy, 2021 & 2023), CCCL Student Ambassadors (program for young artists under 18 to create climate arts, CFLI, 2022), CCCL Film Tours (CFLI, 2022), community screenings (in Thai provinces following flagship annual film festival in Bangkok) & community outreach in Thailand and Southeast Asia (Heinrich Böll, 2024).
In addition, we have collaborated with partner organizations in various activities such as ThaiPBS in providing free video footage to our young filmmakers, Alliance Française Bangkok in organizing our main festival in Bangkok, and the Goethe-Institut for selected CCCL film screening in their OpenAir Kino program. The Contemporary Art Promotion Fund under Thailand’s Ministry of Culture has also provided financial contributions to the organization of our main festival.
Other partners such as UNDP Thailand, Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN) Thailand, Greenpeace Thailand, the Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand (FCCT), the Disaster Communication Development Center under ThaiPBS have helped spreading the word about our activities. The Thai Climate Justice for All Network, EcoCupid, Can You Hear Us?, and community partners and local film clubs in Thailand, including a.e.y. space, Chiang Rai Film Club, The Moving Forward, Teelobfon (Alternative Space), 82Jabang, Phanom Nakhon Rama, have worked with us to introduce climate change films and open climate change conversations in local communities.
The goal of the CCCL Film Festival is to support and encourage the visual medium of film that will reach an audience with compelling, original stories about real people, their lives and communities living under an increasingly unstable climate. Such visual stories, we hope, will fill the gap in public knowledge by taking them into the lives of people who have experienced what happens when the climate changes.
Besides aiming to be a destination for Asian filmmakers to showcase their works and express their voices on the climate crisis, CCCL seeks to engage private, public, and civil society sectors in increasing awareness about the crisis and in working together to support the affected local communities at the policy and local implementation levels, with the roles of youth and communities at the center.
More about our mission, accomplishments, milestones, and who we are




